You may be asking yourself: What’s really changed?
With the roll-out of NCG’s basics program, there have been a lot of changes that can go unnoticed. We keep saying that they are huge changes and that our new “Everyday Low Prices” are amazing and mind blowing, but without any concrete examples, it’s difficult to notice the differences.
The reasons that these changes may be difficult to identify are many, but here are a few that we have noticed. First, it all happened at once, overnight. So, unless there was a significant change on a product that you personally buy all the time, a purple tag on an item isn’t going to do much to signal the gravity of a price change. Second, we brought in new products that were automatically basic items. This means that there is no previous price to compare it to. Our buyers don’t even know how we would have had to price it in order to sell it under the old plan. All we know is that it is an amazing deal now. And, finally, the biggest reason for not noticing the price shift: shopping at other stores and thus thinking that we have had the same prices all along. (Additional fourth reason: if you’re like a lot of people you no longer get a receipt, to save paper. So, as soon as you leave the store you forget how much the items originally cost until the next time you shop.)
We want you to know what an amazing deal you are getting. And, more importantly, we want you to know that, because of our relationship with NCG, we are able to offer even more good food at competitive prices. In turn, we hope this means that more of your shopping can be done at our store. If more of the basics that you buy every day can be found here, that is one fewer stop you have to make during your weekly errands. Plus, you can feel good knowing that more of the dollars that you use to feed your family are staying in your community.
So, here are some hard numbers, for those of you who like to see all of the dollars that you have already been saving. (This is not a complete list, but this should give you an idea of what you’ve been saving without even realizing it!)
Field Day Black Beans: Was: $2.49 Now: $1.49 Price Drop: $1.00
Field Day Garbanzo Beans: Was: $2.49 Now: $1.49 Price Drop: $1.00
Field Day Great Northern Beans: Was: $2.49 Now: $1.49 Price Drop: $1.00
Field Day Kidney Beans: Was: $2.49 Now: $1.49 Price Drop: $1.00
Field Day Veg. Refried Beans: Was: $2.49 Now: $1.49 Price Drop: $1.00
Field Day Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Was $7.99 Now: $4.99 Price Drop: $3.00
Field Day Coconut Oil: Was $7.99 Now: $4.99 Price Drop: $3.00
Field Day Organic Apple Juice: Was: $11.99 Now: $5.99 Price Drop: $5.00
Field Day Classic Mac & Cheese: Was: $2.99 Now: $1.99 Price Drop: $1.00
Field Day Mac & Cheese Deluxe: Was: $2.99 Now: $1.99 Price Drop: $1.00
All Field Day Pasta Was: $2.99 - $4.29 Is Now: $1.99
All Field Day Pasta Sauce Was: $4.49 Now: $2.99 Price Drop: $1.50
Udi’s Whole Grain GF Bread: Was: $6.99 Now $4.99 Price Drop: $2.00
Udi’s White GFSandwich Bread: Was: $6.99 Now $4.99 Price Drop: $2.00
Thousand Hills Ribeye Steak (Each): Was: $14.99 Now: $13.99 Price Drop: $1.00
Thousand Hills 80/20 Ground Beef: Was: $8.49 Now: $6.99 Price Drop: $1.50
Smart Chicken Boneless Skinless Thigh: Was: 6.79 Now: 5.99 Price Drop: $.80
All Silver Hill Bread: Was: $4.99 Now: $3.99 or $5.99
All Greek God Yogurt: Was: $5.49 Now: $3.99 Price Drop: $1.50
Alaffia Shampoo & Conditioner: Was: $14.99 Now: $10.99 Price Drop: $4.00

Of course this is a small sample of the items that have dropped in price, but if even a few of these things are in your regular rotation, you can see how $1.00 here and $2.00 there adds up fairly quickly.
Brief recap. of our NCG roll-out, so far, and what you can expect coming up.
July 1, 2020: We became full members of NCG
July 1, 2020: We started using co+op deals coupons on our shelves in order to offer instant, in-store savings to our shoppers.
August 1, 2020: Spiral Rolled out co+op basics and we have been adding great items at everyday low prices ever since.
September 30, 2020: This day will be the first day that Spiral will be able to participate in a co+op deals flyer put out by NCG. More details on that soon!